Thursday, February 10, 2011

Support Networks....

Wow! It's been so long since I've blogged that I forgot my password! Geez! Anyhow, I am currently thinking of the support systems we have in our lives...

In my previous blog, I asked 2011 to bring it! Sorry I asked. On January 19, my father passed away. I knew his health was fading but thought we had more time left, so it was a  bit of a shock. The first day my dad was in the hospital, my son fell down the stairs and had to go for x-rays, I found out that my uncle and my sister's mother-in-law...whom we all consider family...were also in the hospital with serious conditions. A week after my dad's death, my mom collapsed and she spent a few days in the hospital and now today I have learned that my middle sister has lost her job. I am not complaining here, nor am I looking for sympathy, these events are all part of life. The point I want to make is that through all of this, I have had a support system. My blood family, my CrossFit Cedar Park family and my friends. You have all been amazing. <3

I have been out of CF class for some time with my recent stresses and my back injury. These last few weeks, I am back and boy, am I astounded!! The progress that has been made by our members is incredible! I see people who could not do double unders and are now stringing them together, pullups have been learned, pounds and inches have been lost. The PR bell seems to be ringing like crazy! I feel the success is not only due to the hard work of the individuals, but also to their support system. A crossfitter does not have one trainer encouraging him, he has an entire group of coaches who are all interested in helping him reach his goals. He also has the other members in his class and those in the classes following his, all rooting for him. Sure, there is some friendly competition thrown in the mix, but we all cheer for one another. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing an entire class encouraging one another to the very end! Success begets success. That is a vast support system that you won't find at your local Gold's Gym.

As for my journey back into fitness, considering my time off and the fact that I am, eh...slightly older than several others, I am happy with my progress thus far. This is what I have done so far this week:

Monday: The Carsonian
20 KB swings
200 meter run
7 rounds 12:25 RX

50 wall ball
50 situps
50 double unders (grrrr...I apologize for my tantrum)
3 rounds 20:49 RX+ (16# med ball)

800 meter row time trials
fastest 3:13 / slowest 3:29
10 "wipers" hanging from bar & 100 toes to bar....I have a nice blister on my palm but I completed all 100. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goodbye 2010....

I experienced many changes in my life this past year. I am not a fan of change, it doesn't come easily for me, but I gotta say, the changes were all for good.
One of the changes was my job, the small gym where I worked went under and I found myself unemployed. This was definitely a positive thing for me. I had been longing for a change but was too afraid to do anything about it. I am very grateful I was given the opportunity to work as a tech at Tillman Physical Therapy. I have learned so much and I am learning more everyday. I work with wonderful people and enjoy interacting with the patients. It's awesome to watch their progress! This job also helps me while coaching my ladies class for Crossfit Cedar Park. When somebody comes in with an injury, I know some stretches and modifications to make class doable for them. If I don't know...I know who to ask!
I was thinking about the fact that the migraines I used to get frequently have all  but disappeared and other than some allergies and the occasional upset stomach, I was not sick at all during 2010. I firmly believe this was due to my change to the paleo diet. I am not as strict as others. Those who know me, know that I am addicted to my glass ( or 2) of red wine and dark chocolate. I am however, good about eating healthy meals. Breads and potatoes are things I don't miss in the least. I urge those of you who haven't tried this diet to give it a whirl. Log your foods and take note of your mood and how your body feels. I bet you'll feel better.....come on, I triple dog dare don't have to go cold turkey, just try it one step at a time and make 2011 your healthy year!
2010 was also the year I did my first Crossfit competition. Wow! That was scary! It was a huge step for me to come out of my shell, get in front of hundreds of people and compete. That is what Crossfit has done for me though. It has given me courage in all aspects of my life. I have never had a lot of self-confidence but after deadlifting 200 lbs and doing 100 pullups,  I feel pretty darn powerful! I am much more likely to push myself out of my comfort zone in all aspects of my life these days.
My last big change was cutting the apron strings and watching my oldest son graduate and move out. He has a full time job and moved into an apartment at Christmas time. What happened to the little tow head who used to sit on my lap and beg me to read him just one more book before bedtime? Those of you with little ones, appreciate each and every day, for they go by so quickly and you never get them back.Parenting is the hardest job of all, we never know if we are doing what's right, but we just do our best and love with all our hearts, trusting in God that things will turn out as they should. I still worry about you "Petey", I always will, but I am proud of you for spreading your wings to fly.
And so...2011 here we go! What changes will you bring? I am ready to find out. Health and happiness to all of you, my friends and family. <3